You will need
  • two spokes
  • woolen thread
Practice to add a loop on a small sample of knitted fabric. Start by adding the loops within the knitting. For this link two test front row. In the 3rd row do nakida. Between each looped should be two loops of the working range. Nakida knit from the wrong side of the crossed loops to avoid holes. Again tie leavemy two rows and repeat next required addition.
Try the easiest way to add loops. On the sample is knit nakida in the field of addition promazyvaya two loops from one. First do the front loop, then purl. Can knit three-loop one thus: facial, yo and facial. Or: the front, inside-out, again the front.
Expand your knitting with loops of the lower row. To do this, in place of a raise, grab the working thread and pull it up under the broach between the two loops. The resulting loop is then provarite front of the crossed loop.
Learn how to add loops around the edges of knitted fabric. Associate the sample with the additions of "steps". With the right edge after edge, add loop any of these methods, and to the left provarite edge loop and then make the desired number of additional loops. From the inside provarite them in such a pattern, as required by the front side of the work.
Add a separate loop from the edge of the canvas: provarite the first loop of the front row, and removing it from the needles, again tie front crossed. All of these ways of adding loops when knitting can be used as straight needles, and circular.