The consequences of removal of vegetation on the pubis are very sad. Rash – a common phenomenon after a painful procedure. It would seem that the horror of the torment behind, but the pubic area looks just not right before a date with her lover? What to do?

You first need to understand the fact that the pubic skin is much more sensitive than the rest of the body surface. To perform hair removal better in advance, not end-to-end responsible date. The use of the razor brings more problems than the use of wax, special creams, and mechanical devices. Better to use modern methods of getting rid of the vegetation. Never when epilating can't use a dull blade. It not only will cause irritation and will lead to serious cuts.

The use of ice

Women speak positively about the wax, because after the vegetation has lost its natural rigidity. However, there is a risk that will ingrown hair. Then, instead of specks of red in the pubic area will appear dark. To avoid this, it is better to use before the start of epilation gentle scrub. Due to this irritation will become less and almost completely get rid of it will help the ice, which should be treated before hair removal pubic area. It also reduce the pain from the procedure. A similar cooling therapy is useful for the most delicate skin.

Sometimes the irritation is directly connected to the presence of skin Allergy to some components of means of hair removal or razor blade. Therefore it is necessary to perform testing. For this you need to put a little money on hand and days to wait. If the stain is not on the skin, use this cream.

Professional hair removal

To remove the irritation help moisturizing agents from natural products, and special preparations. A great effect can be obtained from the pressed cucumber juice. Now on sale there are also various means that are well moisturize the skin, eliminating the effects of hair removal.

As the budget recommended baby cream. Many women suggest to use dry deodorant. However, it is best to splurge and perform hair removal in a professional. Use gentle treatments always save the pubes from unpleasant consequences. In the Arsenal of experts has a full set of tools that help to save the pubes from irritation.