The situation when washed after the repair linoleum tarnish, again covered with a white coating and stains from the wash, or lose brightness of color, unfortunately, occurs quite often. This means that when cleaning used or aggressive household chemicals, or detergents did not meet the requirements of the care of such flooring.

Plaque removal from cement mixtures

Primary washing of the linoleum from the traces of plaster, painting or priming is carried out with clean warm water with a small addition in a bucket of soap and 5-6 tablespoons of regular table salt. It is not recommended to wash the floors with very hot water – this leads to the fact that the linoleum is losing its luster and brightness.

As an alternative, a detergent is not less effective in dealing with white splotches and a touch is potassium permanganate. A small amount of potassium permanganate is added to a bucket of warm water, stir until dissolved. The water in the bucket it is recommended to change as often as you can, otherwise get rid of white stains on the linoleum will not work. Together with water every time it is desirable to change the cloth for washing floors.

If the contamination resulting from fixation are not amenable to washing with salt and potassium permanganate in a bucket of water, you can add a small amount of kerosene. This composition effectively removes traces of cement mixtures, but leaves a rather sharp odor. To neutralize the smell of kerosene helps wash the linoleum with water, which added a few tablespoons of ordinary vinegar.

Once the flooring is clean washed, it is dried and thoroughly rubbed with a woolen cloth dipped in linseed oil or linseed oil – this returns the linoleum Shine. If there is no oil or linseed oil, to give freshness and brightness to the coating a mixture of milk and water, taken in equal quantities.

Removing traces of paint

To remove linoleum stains of paint not recommended to use baking soda and alkaline detergent for removal of paint coatings – these funds not only have a negative impact on the appearance flooring, but also make it fragile and brittle.

If the paint is still quite fresh, they can be moistened with vegetable oil to soften, and then try to remove by mechanical means – using a narrow trowel or stiff brush. All manipulations for the removal of paint is necessary to spend carefully to avoid scratching the linoleum.

Dried paint is removed by means of solvents: white spirit, "646", etc., but in this case it is recommended to test the colour of the floor covering at an inconspicuous area. A cotton pad soaked in solvent, is applied for a time to a stain, then layers scour it clean with a dry cloth. After removal of traces of paint floor covering clean wipe with a damp cloth, dried and coated with a special mastic linoleum or linseed oil.