When you receive minor injuries (small abrasions, cuts, bites, etc.) are excellent for all known antiseptics such as boric acid, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine. We should not forget that these funds are best to dilute it, especially if we are talking about children. Rinse the mouth they should be after a meal, therefore, washed away and food debris that can cause infection.

Also well established medicinal plants such as chamomile, calendula, Bidens herb and. Decoctions of these plants must be sufficiently concentrated. One to two teaspoons of the herbarium have half a Cup of boiled, warm water but not boiling water. Rinsing such decoctions mouth doctors suggest at least three times a day, preferably after meals. Such solutions help not in all cases, so they can be alternated with rinsing with antiseptics.

In a situation when the herbal teas and light solutions of antiseptic agents do not help, you can use alcohol tincture of iodine or 1% solution of green fodder. Such means is best applied directly on the wound. Should be carefully treated, can cotton swab, the surface around the wound. However, it is necessary to apply quite a bit, so as not to burn the tongue.

Rarely found in medical practice, more serious damage to the language. Usually it is a puncture, a deep cut, torn, and even gunshot wounds. In such cases it is necessary in the primary order to apply for help to the surgeons. Otherwise, can develop complications such as abscesses or cellulitis. The most dangerous outcome is shortness of breath (apnea) and bleeding.

As for the cut, torn and stab wounds of the tongue, first stop the bleeding and suture. If the bleeding fails to stop, use special clips or swabs. If there are no complications, processes Groene and other, similar kinds of wounds heal within a month. Unfortunately, constantly weeping wounds such as injuries to the tongue, heal slowly.

Shallow wounds of the tongue can heal pretty quickly. With proper treatment and constant care, in the absence of any complications, the period of healing such damage takes several days to weeks. During this period, doctors do not recommend abusing salty, spicy and acidic foods. If the wounds do not improve within weeks, you need to immediately seek help from professionals.