Ointment "Clotrimazole" for thrush should be applied in a thin layer in the vagina once a day for three days. If candidiasis is chronic, the drug should be applied three times a day. Before applying it is necessary to conduct hygienic procedures. The ointment should be rubbed gently in a circular motion. An exemplary dose of 5 g. Duration of therapy of chronic yeast infection is defined by the doctor. During treatment should abandon sexual intercourse. At the same time the ointment is necessary to treat the partner. For the treatment of drug twice a day applied on the foreskin and the glans penis. The duration of treatment is 7 days.
When symptoms of irritation or hypersensitivity reaction, treatment should be stopped. If after a course of therapy is not coming effect, you should confirm the diagnosis. The drug causes such side effects like burning sensation, itching, swelling, peeling, irritation and allergic reactions. Overdose drug in the local application is unlikely. Doctors are allowed to use the drug during II and III trimesters of pregnancy and with caution during lactation. Ointment is contraindicated in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and if you are sensitive to clotrimazole and auxiliary substances of the drug.
"Clotrimazole" is also prescribed for fungal skin diseases, fungal infections of feet and skin folds. Ointment effectively treats pityriasis versicolor, superficial candidiasis, erythrasma and mycoses complicated by secondary pyoderma. The product is recommended for diseases caused by fungal, foliar pathogens and dermatophytes. Do not apply the ointment to the skin around the eyes.
Efficiency "Clotrimazole" reduce the drugs on the basis of nystatin, natamycin and amphotericin. When applying with other drugs medicinal properties of the ointment are not lost. For therapy balanta and candidal vulvitis is used only 1% "Clotrimazole". From the pharmacy the drug is available without a prescription. Additionally, the drug is produced in such dosage forms like cream, powder, solution, capsule, spray, and vaginal tablets.
Patients who used to treat their ailments ointment "Clotrimazole", note its low cost, availability and efficiency. They also complain of too long a course of treatment odor of the ointment and poor absorption of the drug.