Trachemys hails from the family of American freshwater turtles. It has a medium size body: length of the carapace ranges from 18 to 30 cm, depending on sex and subspecies of individuals. A life expectancy of approximately 30 years. This exotic reptile does not require special care, but these peace-loving and stubborn creatures would not be amiss to know some rules.

Feeding the turtles

Good care of slider turtles primarily involves proper feeding. All the turtles are diurnal animals, it significantly affects their diet. The main part of the diet are animal feed: bloodworm, earthworm, Tubifex and dry aquarium food.

All the turtles are happy to eat gamarus – water crustaceans, as in the living and in the dried form. All the above will be enough for the young turtles. An adult can I give beef or chicken, cooked or raw. Must be in the diet of adult turtles have to log insects: cockroaches, beetles, larvae flour castaneum.

The coil horn and the great pond snail are few representatives of the snails that can be included in a menu slider turtles. Two or three times a week you can give them fish, pieces of which before you need to rinse with boiling water.

It must be remembered that the health of reptiles depends on the amount of vitamins in the feed, so if you are not sure that the diet is sufficient vitamins, then you must separately add them to the food. For example, vitamins a and D in form of oil solution should be available to all who keep turtles. Once a week you want to add a few opelvillen D on a piece of food, and vitamin A –every two weeks.

How to care for red-turtle?

Content slider turtles seriously complicates such a time as the organization of water and ground space. The difficulty is that unlike other Pets, turtles of this type requires two elements: water and land. Most of the time they spend in the water, but drying them is also vital.

The volume of vivariums in terms of bug should be about 150 gallons, but not less than 100 litres. Drying in the form of Islands should take at least the fourth part of the whole space. The water must be changed monthly.

Contrary to popular belief, the red-eared terrapins are very nimble, you can even say, agile creatures, so the glass walls of the vivariums must be above the highest point of the "island" of at least 35 inches.

So the turtle was warm and cozy, vivariums must be equipped with incandescent lamp, located on the "island". If it is sufficiently hot, it will no longer be necessary to further heat the water.

Regrowth of the beak and claws of a turtle

If not long enough to clip a turtle's nails, they will grow so much that will hinder her to move on . Nails should be periodically trimmed. You can do this with special scissors or inviting to the vet. Beak trim in any case impossible. With his help, the turtle has the ability to eat meat, tearing it into small pieces.