You will need
  • Internet, phone
Staff and volunteers – the people who work in the monastery. Second, unlike the first, are not required to attend Church services. Novice – a person preparing to become a monk. He had not yet taken monastic vows, but living according to the rules for monks. He is allowed to wear the cassock, rosary beads, a yarmulke. To become a novice, you need to write a petition to the Abbot of the monastery.
Identify your target. If you want to learn about the monastic way of life, it makes sense to stay in the abode of a staff, a volunteer or to get to work. To become a novice should only be done when the intention to withdraw from the world to the monastery seriously. In any case, it is advisable to consult with your Confessor before you make a decision.
If you want to earn income, while in the monastery, try to get back to work. Monasteries sometimes hire builders, cooks, guides.
Select a suitable location. The necessary information can be found on the Internet. Ask advice from a priest who confess. You can visit the famous monastery (Valaam, for example, are willing to accept those willing to work hard).
If you do not think you will return to the world, go to the selection of the monastery seriously. To get away from it, becoming a novice, it will be difficult. Pay attention to a quiet, sparsely populated monasteries.
Contact the monastery. Some of them have their own web pages where you placed ' on which to write. Sometimes on the sites of monasteries post questionnaires for staff, filling of which, you need to tell about yourself. It is desirable to be healthy and he was Church-going man.
When you arrange to stay at the monastery, collect things. You'll need documents (if you don't plan to get to work officially, a passport is sufficient) and personal belongings. The list should be clarified with representatives of the monastery. So, bed linen somewhere give, and somewhere please take.
Pick clothes. Open things in the monastery you can not wear. Women should wear long skirts and shawls.
Do not take computer and other electronics without having. Take a break from worldly things.
Accommodation and meals will provide for you. In addition, workers in the monastery, as a rule, are free to enjoy the commemoration (to submit notes on the health and for the repose of the).
Be prepared to abide by the rules of the monastery. Remember that you need to take a blessing, before to do anything. Spouses live separately. Strictly prohibited Mat alcohol, cheeky behavior.