You will need
  • Fresh blueberries, water, filter paper, containers for seedlings, peat moss, boxes full of mineral fertilizer.
For seeds fresh berries gently mash with a wooden pestle or mash with the hands. You can use a mixer or a meat grinder. Pour the berry slurry with large amounts of water in proportion 1:10, mix everything carefully. Mature seeds, which can be used for breeding, settle to the bottom. The pulp is floated peel and empty seeds empty. Repeat the procedure several times until the water stays clear.
Sank to the bottom of the blueberry seeds should be collected using filter paper or sieve, can also be used for these purposes, a piece of cotton or spunbond. Slightly dry and immediately place in a container filled with peat.
Seedlings appear in 2-3 weeks. Capacity with young seedlings get through the winter in a bright room, where the temperature of +5-10°C, or leave them on the street, covering several layers of spunbond.
In the spring when the soil thawed, remove the cover and seedlings to dive down into the drawers and leave for growing. The place you put them, should be protected from wind and direct sunlight.
Next year, move the seedlings to a permanent place of growth or in special containers. This shrub requires high humidity. Put the blueberries in partial shade, under the canopy of the tree. If you decide to choose a Sunny place, don't forget to spray the bushes 2-3 times a day, especially in hot weather, otherwise the plants can die from drying out.
Plant a shrub among tall trees to create clearings berries or framing of the banks of ponds. Blueberry responds well to pruning, for this reason it can often be seen in the design of the curbs. Cut the blueberry bushes only when you want to give it a definite shape.
Fertilize blueberries only mineral fertilizers, and in very small amounts. To do this, use no more than 1 tablespoon of complete fertilizer per 1 sq. m landings. Organic fertilizer can not be applied. Do not plant blueberries under the fruit trees where introduced dung and other organic matter. In such conditions, the shrub will not survive. Blueberries will grow well under spruces, pines and deciduous trees, which do not require fertilizing.
Periodically remove damaged and dead branches, excess bushes, dig. It will not cause a lot of trouble, because the blueberry spread. It does not need to be covered for winter, but the plant may suffer from spring frosts, young ovaries, and flowers do not tolerate freezing temperatures. Before frost cover shrub spunbond, and abundantly pour it the night before.