To crush kidney stones will help the infusion of corn ryltsev. For its preparation take 2 tbsp of raw materials, brew 200 ml of boiling water and strain after half an hour. Drink this remedy on a small SIP every 3 hours. To increase the efficiency of the administration of infusion of corn ryltsev should be combined with the consumption of decoction of stems of agrimony and grass cocklebur (1.5 l of water take 5 tablespoons of herbs, taken in equal parts, bring to the boil, then cook on low heat 5-7 minutes). This drug drink three times a day 150 ml.
Honey water is an effective tool in the treatment of urolithiasis. This "drug" helps to break up kidney stones, and gradually they withdraw. The essence of this treatment: every morning in 15-17 minutes after you Wake up drink a glass of honey water. To prepare this healthful solution, take 2 tsp. of dark honey and dissolve it in a glass chilled to a comfortable temperature of boiling water. A therapeutic course can last from 1 to 4 months.
Urolithiasis is also prescribed ground into flour the seeds of watermelon. This medicinal powder should be consumed three times a day 1 teaspoon, squeezed a small amount of water. Course of treatment lasts for 2 weeks.
To break up kidney stones, use an infusion, the recipe of which is as follows: 75 g of seeds of wild carrots, 100 g of oregano, 100 g of horsetail. Take 3 tbsp. l. mixture, pour 3 cups just-boiling water and pour the composition in a thermos (make it tonight). In the morning the drug is filtered and divided into 4 equal portions. Use this drug is an hour before meals four times a day. Treatment lasts 10 days.
A remarkable result in the fragmentation of kidney stones give flax seeds. Take 1 tbsp of flax seeds, ground into a powder, mixed with 3 tbsp milk and bring the mixture to a boil. Then "the drug" cooled and filtered (should be 1 tbsp. of drug mixture). Remedy drink 1 tbsp a day. Course of treatment lasts for 5 days. This period should be excluded from the diet of fried, fatty and spicy dishes. Possible severe pain is a sign that there is a dissolution of stones and sand is deduced.