Regarding the neutering of all cats not intended for breeding, to this day there is no consensus. On the one hand, living in the apartment cat should be castrated first and foremost that he left for all corners of your stinking label. On the other hand, the village cat is free-range and marks mostly on the street, moreover, it has the ability to exercise their sexual desire met on the street cats. So whether you want to castrate the village cat?

Castration of a cat village – pros and cons

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Castration is cheap (will cost an average of 700 rubles) and a simple operation, performed under General anesthesia and takes 15-20 minutes. A day after the castration of a young and healthy cat is able to return to normal life. We just need to look after the animals until it finally will not depart from the anesthesia.

Neutering a cat is primarily a measure of common sense and humane treatment of animal by its owners. Are free-range non-castrated adult male uncontrollably fit in with the cats, bringing in a couple of months, the light appears a lot nobody wants kittens. Perhaps some of them will find their owners, if you stand with them on the market a couple of days, but it is likely that most of them will simply die from hunger, cold, fangs of stray dogs and other predators, as well as from the hands of cruel people.

Neutered cat becomes calmer, because he lost a powerful instinct of reproduction. In some cases cats after castration is generally not much interested, also, how to sleep, eat and play with the owner.

Really comprehensive laziness and apathy in castrated cats is more of the exception than the rule.

In some cases the cat after castration may become less efficient, and the animal can hurt other cats. However, if your cat behavior is changing so substantially, it is likely that he himself does not want once again to leave home. It's warm and dry, have food, a sofa and loving a master, and what do you need an adult calm animal?

Will the behavior neutered cat?

как подготовить кота к стрижке

For loving my cat owners this fact alone should be a powerful incentive to take the cat to the vet without delay. Castration rustic cat increases its ability to live to a respectable age.

In a sense, the behavior of the animal after castration is really changing. He lost sexual hunting, and the cat can not go on a spree for several days, risking to get under wheels of the car or in the teeth of vicious dogs.

Often the owners do not castrated cat, fearing that he'll stop catching mice and will not be able to repel the stranger cats that accidentally wandered into its territory. In fact, such "softness" of the animal after castration is very rare. Most of the animals after castration are the same active and cheerful as before.