Get professional education. This can be done in College, College or University, but at the initial stage will be quite good enough courses.
Find out which courses in your city, you can master the accounting to the extent necessary. Typically courses are divided into:

- specialized courses that specialize only in accounting;
- courses at universities, which gives a good theoretical base;
courses in the multidisciplinary training centers focuses on practical training.

Consider all possible options find out what programs are trained, socialize with alumni. If you are not able to pay for training, as you will temporarily not work for, consult to the unemployment office, sign in and get direction to free courses on accounting or 1C.
In parallel with the training courses you can do on its own, buying in store, order on or by taking the library tutorial for beginners, such as "an Incubator for an accountant. From zero to balance" E. Y. Dernovoy, "ABC accountant from the advance until the balance." A good help at first and in study and in work for you will be a mini pocket book "Theory of accounting" T. A. Korneeva, G. A. Shatunova.
In addition to classroom courses, you can go through distance learning at one of the famous courses. Visit one of the sites implementing remote programs, for example, ("How to become a chief accountant, having 10 steps"), register and get your first free lesson. If this course is really what you need, pay for the training. During the course you will be able to master both theory and practice, to learn how to make the primary documentation. At the end you will be given the certificate.
Arrange for completion of courses in a small firm as an assistant accountant or even accountant to get an initial experience of continuous work with documents over time and become a sought-after expert.