Montenegro is on the Balkan Peninsula, in the South-Western part. On the world map, this small country has appeared recently, in 2006. Its name the country's thick, dark forests that cover the mountains of old Montenegro.

What climate zone is Montenegro?

It's amazing, but despite the modest size of the territory of Montenegro, the country's climate is very diverse. Conventionally, there are four geographical zones:
- the coast of Montenegro;
rocky plateaus;
Central plain;
- the highlands.
Montenegro - environmentally friendly country, it was declared a European national Park.

Of course, this diversity has not affected the flora of the country. On this small territory there are 2833 various representatives of the world of plants. Temperature indicators are also different.

The Montenegrin coast just fine, it has a wonderful Mediterranean climate. The length of the beaches is 73 km, It is a lovely warm area with dry and long summers and short cool winters. The swimming season begins in April. In summer, the temperature on the coast is 23-26oC in winter - about 5-7оС above zero.

Rocky plateaus of Montenegro populated rather weakly. The fact is, that in this area the climate is not particularly favorable long rains, which can last for several days, few people are satisfied. However, this area is very scenic, one of the attractions of the plateau is a national Park Lovcen.

Montenegro is a unique country, more than 40% of its territory is covered by forests and another 40% pastures. Here, the unique water resources, the water visibility in some places exceeds 35 meters.
The Central plain of Montenegro - the most populous region of the country. Here are the largest cities and fertile land. On the plain a very warm climate.

The highlands occupies a large part of the country. This area is rich in rivers, lakes and, of course, forests. Here reigns a subalpine climate with hot summers and cold snowy winters, the temperature falls to 10C below zero. Of course, this part of Montenegro is a godsend for lovers of ski resorts.

The Border Of Montenegro

On land, Montenegro shares borders with such countries as Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Serbia and Kosovo. The total length of land borders of Montenegro is approximately 614 km.