Children of first and second class to walk around town, entertainment centers, water parks, the river need accompanied by an adult. The older pupils, those who are able to move independently around the city, knows the rules of the road, is well-versed on the ground, can be together with your boyfriend or girlfriend to visit, for example, the circus. Usually circus groups come to the school holidays in the city with an ambitious programme, trying to entertain tourists children.
Go with the same guys as you, for a matinee of the movie in a 3D cinema. Or visit a theatrical production in a puppet theater that is also very interesting.
In zoos the students are always very interesting and fun. Be sure to check to see if the animals in your town mobile zoo of a major regional center, or if you have the city's own zoo. Follow safety rules of behavior in cells and animals. If it says that the cage with the animals should not get too close, don't do everything exactly the opposite.
Visit the Park with children's rides, go carting centre to ride the bumper cars, capture of home videos and go with friends to a roller rink. If it's cold outside, spend 2-3 hours in the children's entertainment center (these centers are usually located in large supermarkets).
There are places that you can visit will increase your knowledge, broaden horizons. It's all kinds of exhibitions, museums in your city. If you haven't been in any of the museums, be sure to visit it. You'll learn a lot about the history of the region in which you reside, about its flora and fauna, attractions and famous people who lived in your area.
Exist in the school holidays, special day trips organised by travel agencies. Ask the parents to buy for 1-2 day ticket you in this tour. You can go together with a classmate or a classmate. These tours are conducted either in the same city, or in areas nearby. Teenagers during the tour entourage and show you the sights of cities, nature protected areas, talk about them, answer the questions of students.