First of all explore the habitat of wild boars. Favorite places of rest stops, the watering hole, poopy. For temporary bait any good small clearing, where a boar was used to look for food. For long-term feeding of animals will be equipped with special items zasekli for observation and shooting, located close to dense coniferous tree shoots – the favorite laying sites of the females with piglets.
If wild boar got into the habit of walking on the agricultural field, put on their way a few strips of oats, corn, rape or artichokes (depending on climate zone). If possible, it is best to plant separate feed fields away from the main. The invasion of the wild boars causing great damage to the cultural plantings.
For feeding at specially equipped sites use potatoes, carrots. Well if you have the opportunity every day to bring canteens waste. In areas with developed fishing, it is advisable to use for feeding small and weedy species.

You can't have a bait site in grazing animals.
In summer wild boars readily eat feed high in protein: beans, food and fish waste, fight eggs. They wander in search of feed by eating the tubers of plants, grubs of the may beetle, earthworms. Winter dispersal is not so long, the food must be put on a daily basis – two, three pounds per animal. The diet should include as juicy and concentrated feed.