Since long pepper Matures, and it must grow seedling method. Sowing the seeds for seedlings should be started in February. The plant is grown in boxes mostly on the other side of the room where a lot of sun.
For sowing you need to prepare a nutritious blend of garden humus with addition of sand and wood ash. This mix fill in with water and carefully steam on the fire. Seeds sown in hot, 40-45 degrees, fertile soil. Seeds are placed in furrows at a depth of 1.5 cm Distance between them should be 2 cm.
During the growth of seedlings it is necessary to limit watering to once. Abundant watering at this stage, usually becomes the cause of the disease blackleg. The water temperature should be 25-28 degrees. It is desirable to use pooled water.
As soon as the seedlings appear two pieces, and it will take around 30-35 days, you can begin to dive. A few hours before you pour swordplay seedlings, as dry soil will crumble from the roots. To transplant plants can be in pots or plastic cups with a size of 10 × 10 cm
During the growth of seedlings it is necessary to limit watering to once. Abundant watering at this stage, usually becomes the cause of the disease blackleg. The temperature of the water for irrigation should be 25-28 degrees. It is desirable to use pooled water.
During the week after planting, gently loosen the soil – this will improve the access of air to the root system. You can only fertilize a special agent for growth.
Before flowering, the peppers enough to water once a week. But in hot weather it is possible to increase the number of irrigations. Remember that plants in any case can not be watered with cold water, otherwise they will cease to grow and bear fruit.
Occasionally loosen soil. Total for the summer to spend 3-4 tillage with hilling.
It is also important to feed the plants with various fertilizers. During flowering you can use the manure slurry in the proportion 1:10 or urea. The next feeding should be held in the period of fruiting. Use bird droppings or liquid nitrophoska.
In order for the Bush pepper is not too expanded, you need to remove the top flowers and stepchildren. In addition, when the trunk of the pepper will reach about 25 cm in height, remove the top of the stem. This procedure will allow well developed lateral shoots.