Please read the article 578 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation. This article describes the situation when the donor has the right to terminate the contract of donation.
Contact the court for termination of the contract donation, if the person you gave the apartment, made an attempt on your health. If the attempt on the life of your relatives and friends, you also have the right to demand return of the gift.
Collect evidence and ask to cancel the contract and in that case, if the receiver does not keep your gift, contains the apartment in an unacceptable condition, and there is a threat of full destruction. But in this case you will have to prove that the presented apartment is for you, not property value. For example, in this apartment lived all his life grandpa and grandma. You flat road as a memory of them.
If you have experienced bestow, you may request to cancel the contract, but only if in the contract there is a corresponding item.
Ask to cancel the deed, if you think that you cheated, or you were misled. This is evidenced by article 178 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation. Please note, this refers to the misconception of the merits or nature of the transaction. Confusion about the motives of the donation is not significant. For example, if at the time of donation you cheated and you didn't understand that losing their homes is a significant misconception. If you gave, because I thought that you love, but it was not so – this is not a significant error, and the court deal not cancelled.
Contact the court and in that case, if you put pressure, and you have signed the contract of donation under the threat of violence. In this case, to protect your rights will help article 179 of the civil code.
If you have significantly deteriorated the quality of life undermined his health, lost their homes, and so on), you also have the right to demand cancellation of the contract of donation.
Please note, the donation contract may terminate not only the donor but also his successors. For example, if the donee intentionally deprived the life of the donor.
If one of these conditions occurs, feel free to contact the court. Accept the donation contract is not valid. The law is on your side.