The bibliographic list is a list of sources on the subject, which is based on the principles of bibliographic description. Under the bibliographic description is the list brief, but important information about the book, journal article, other material in the form of special links.
Description is made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.1–2003 "Bibliographic record. Citation: General requirements and rules".
Description is made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.1–2003 "Bibliographic record. Citation: General requirements and rules".
The requirements of this standard allows several ways to create the bibliography: alphabetical, chronological, systematic and others.
In the alphabetical list of names of authors and titles of publications are in strict alphabetical order (references in foreign languages are listed after the list of all publications in the language).
Chronological list of sources arranged by year of publication.
A systematic way to list building involves the transfer of literature on branches of knowledge, important issues of the manuscript, subject headings, etc. Sources of a General nature, it is recommended to combine in a separate section.
In the alphabetical list of names of authors and titles of publications are in strict alphabetical order (references in foreign languages are listed after the list of all publications in the language).
Chronological list of sources arranged by year of publication.
A systematic way to list building involves the transfer of literature on branches of knowledge, important issues of the manuscript, subject headings, etc. Sources of a General nature, it is recommended to combine in a separate section.
Elements of the bibliographic description are separated from each other PSR - conventional punctuation marks. These include: colon, dash, single oblique, double oblique hyphen, dot and dash.
We give examples of complete descriptions - (a) books b) journal articles:
(a) Granev, N.. The buyer of fruits and vegetables/ N..Granev. 2nd ed, Rev. and DOP. - M: "ECONOMY",1983.- 95C.; b) Zakharov, V. V. Computer technologies in economic and business education [Text] /V. V. Zakharov//Business-education.-1997.- № 2(3). - P. 66-71.In brief bibliographic description for more information about the title, publisher, number of pages) are omitted.
Example : Granev, N.. The buyer of fruits and vegetables. 2-e Izd.,M.,1983.
(a) Granev, N.. The buyer of fruits and vegetables/ N..Granev. 2nd ed, Rev. and DOP. - M: "ECONOMY",1983.- 95C.; b) Zakharov, V. V. Computer technologies in economic and business education [Text] /V. V. Zakharov//Business-education.-1997.- № 2(3). - P. 66-71.In brief bibliographic description for more information about the title, publisher, number of pages) are omitted.
Example : Granev, N.. The buyer of fruits and vegetables. 2-e Izd.,M.,1983.
References should not include those sources for which the author does not refer in the main text and that in fact, when writing was not used. Such a list is recommended to call references.
Useful advice
Remember: the completeness and correctness of drawing up of the bibliography, which is placed at the end of the study, indicate the degree of autonomy and the percentage of creative component in the work of the author. According to this list, as a rule, evaluate the degree of fundamentality of the written work.