You will need
  • program financial management;
  • - a notebook in a cage;
  • calculator;
  • - handle.
Agree with your partner about the way of conducting family budget. To do this it is crucial before the wedding. There are three options: separate, partially joint and joint.
In the first case, the husband and wife do not share finances. Partially sharing option is a kind of compromise. The spouses agree how much each will contribute each month to the family budget, and which expenses will be paid from the General money. The remaining personal income the husband and wife spend on their own Providence.
The joint budget all incomes of spouses are added to the overall purse and spent on the needs of all family members. This is the option most often chosen by young families. However, it requires the most careful planning.
Analyze your income and expenses for 2-3 months. This will strictly monitor the incoming funds and to record all purchases. Keep a record by using a special computer program and the old-fashioned way, armed with a pencil and a calculator.
Be patient and be consistent. Write every day, keep in mind all the income, do not miss any spending. This important step needs to take part certainly both spouses.
After rigorous calculation you will clearly understand the main types of income and expenditure of the family. The main source of cash income are salaries of husband and wife. They often are added bonuses, earning, interest on Bank deposits, income from rental housing, etc. If the family living older relatives, their pensions are also often included in the overall purse.
Select mandatory spending: food, housing and utilities, fixed and mobile phones, the Internet, public transport or petrol, payment of loans, the cost of clothing, shoes, hygiene items, etc.
Find a financial "black hole". It's those purchases that are made thoughtlessly and seem affordable for the state budget: another glossy magazine, or blouse on sale, or a pen from the kiosk at metro. On reflection, you probably realize that the money spent on beautiful baubles, you can find the best application. However, do not carry unnecessary expenditure cost family vacation, trips to the cinema and cafes, personal Hobbies and other pleasant moments.
Start planning a family budget. The first day of a new month to calculate the amount of mandatory payments and put it in a separate envelope. As soon as I get the payment, will immediately pay their deferred money. So you won't be tempted to spend it on something else.
In another envelope put the amount your family spends on food. From it you will take money, going to the supermarket or to the market. Not expend funds from the "grocery" envelope for other purposes.
Following the envelope – back. It collect the money intended for unexpected expenses. Try to save some of all income. Start with 5-10%. Over time, you will be able to open a Bank account and your paycheck will be automatically transferred to your designated percentage. But while you just get used to plan the budget, keep reserve money on hand to be able to quickly liquidate the financial calculation.
The remaining amount will place additional envelopes that reflect your family's needs: "Clothing and shoes", "Leisure and hobby", "Laundry and cleaning", "Training", etc. the amount of funds, determine in its sole discretion. The main condition – not to change the purpose of the envelopes and not to shift money from one to another.
Learning to control your monthly expenses, determine large financial costs. To take them purchase household appliances, furniture, car, apartment renovation, holidays abroad etc. Make a list of all the expensive needs and desires of the family. Then number them in descending order of importance: first paragraph is the most needed or desired thing, the last purchase that can be postponed for some time (not more than a year). On large purchases you can save money purposefully, revising costs, or to use part of reserve money.