You will need
  • - St. John's wort;
  • - propolis extract;
  • - Shilajit;
  • - melt water;
  • - formalin.
Take a tablespoon of dried and chopped herbs Hypericum pour a glass of fresh boiling water. Put to warm up for 15 minutes in a water bath. Turn off the heat and leave the broth for 40 minutes with the lid closed. Strain and add 40-60 drops of 10% alcoholic extract of propolis in a glass of decoction of Hypericum. Use the prepared composition for rinsing.
Shilajit will help to get rid of sore throats forever. Take 0.3 grams of Shilajit and put under the tongue and hold until dissolved. Then seize a tablespoon of honey. Try not to eat anything til after the procedure within two hours. Dissolve Shilajit once daily until complete recovery. Sore throat won't bother you anymore.
At the first sign of angina , sit down in the lion posture (on the knees, resting them palms, fingers stiff and splayed). Then exhale strongly and pull your tongue out of your mouth, try the pulled up to her chin. On the inhale push strongly language ago (before the advent of the gag reflex) and put your tip in your own root. Make as many of these repetitions and perform during the day, don't be lazy, because you want to banish a sore throat.
Start to harden, twice a day spill cold water. In the cold season take a warm shower first, and only then Oblates cool water. The meaning of the whole procedure is as follows: cold water must not significantly lower the temperature of your body, its task is to reach skin receptors to achieve a spasm of blood vessels, producing the massage of acupuncture points. Melt water with pieces of ice can cure a sore throat forever, you have to drink this water daily, in small SIPS.
A great way to treat chronic sore throats and tonsillitis – spraying warm warm one per cent solution of formalin on tonsils spray or rinse the throat. You can inhale the vapors of formalin from the bottle. This method will help to avoid removing the tonsils and deal with purulent tonsillitis.