You will need
  • - gouache or poster art;
  • - cardboard with a rough surface;
  • - the brush is flat and round in cross section, with soft bristles, optimally from pony hair;
  • - palette;
  • - a simple pencil and eraser to sketch.
Prepare the material on which you draw. Prefer thick dense paper, but cardboard is better because it has more absorption. A wide brush moistened in clear water, treat the whole surface, leave to dry completely. After this primer gouache is smoother to lie on the cardboard.
Make a sketch a simple pencil. Do not press on the stylus, so that later on the cardboard left of the groove. Despite the fact that a thick layer of gouache will fully paint over the trace of pencil, try to make a thin barely noticeable line.
Prepare gouache. If you use fresh paint, carefully mix them until a homogeneous consistency. If the gouache has dried, dilute it with a small amount of water. You can also fully revive dried paint, it will not lose its properties.
Start painting with gouache. First, fill large areas with one colour, e.g. the sky or a water surface, if you write a landscape, or a drape, if you draw still life. Use a flat brush or round (number 3, 4, 5).
Mix paint to get the desired shades. For this you can use a plastic palette that is specially store-bought for children's creativity, or a flat porcelain plate.
Pay attention to the details of your picture. For live volumetric strokes take brush undiluted gouache, but remember that too thick a coat of paint may eventually crack and crumble.
Edit bugs. Gouache allows you to apply a second layer and completely cover the previous one, even if it is somewhat darker. But don't try to "redraw" the picture on top of the first layer of paint on the paper work the dirt.
Use different techniques of applying paint to paper, for example, stiff brushes to get "grooves" stubble or a great addition leading to more transparency. You can also use watercolour for drawing the individual elements, but remember that when mixing it with gouache on paper formed and mysterious-looking stains.
Dry the finished picture and insert into the frame, the right style and shade to the picture.