You will need
  • - 1% alcohol solution hlorofillipta;
  • - 0,25% solution of procaine;
  • - water.
The drug is used in burn disease, nonhealing wounds, cervical erosion, sore throat. In addition, the drug is often administered in the postoperative period for the prevention and treatment of staphylococcal infections. Perhaps intravenous hlorofillipt, but in this case, the solution was diluted with medical personnel in sterile conditions.
For the treatment of cervical erosion do douching with diluted alcohol solution hlorofillipta. One tablespoon of 1% solution add to a liter of warm boiled water. Thoroughly mix the liquid and treat a vagina. Carry out the procedure within two weeks.
For the treatment of venous ulcers, burns and non-healing wounds dilute with 1% alcohol solution hlorofillipta in boiled water in proportion 1:10. If treatment is very painful, prepare a solution in which the anesthetic procaine (0,25%). Add to 5 parts of procaine 1 part chlorophyllin, mix thoroughly. Treat the resulting liquid to the wound and apply a sterile dressing.
In the presence of a staph infection in the gut, take a diluted alcohol solution hlorofillipta inside. One teaspoon of pharmaceutical drug is mixed with 30 ml of boiled water and drink 40 minutes before a meal. Carry out the procedure three times a day.To enhance the effect, make an enema. Two tablespoons alcohol solution hlorofillipta, mix with a liter of boiled water. Perform the procedure with freshly prepared liquid.
For the treatment of sore throats and colds, prepare a solution hlorofillipta for rinsing. Tablespoon preparation mix in a glass of water and gargle the resulting liquid. This tool helps with stomatitis.