So the first rule is - do not be afraid to step out of the comfort zone. As you know, the comfort zone impedes the achievement of success. In order to be successful, you need not be afraid to get out of this state and not to be afraid of. To achieve any results, people should not be afraid to change something. For example, a person working on his usual job where he has no prospects. He's not developing, not seeking more, but does not change the job because afraid of. People used to live, and anything new scares him, as it leaves the zone of comfort.

The second rule is to never give up. In life there are different situations, sometimes to find solution of the problem difficult, but it's real. You just need to try to find a way out of this situation and move on. Remember that every mistake being made is a new experience from which you should conclude and not to make these blunders.

The third rule is not to stop reaching for something, because there is so much more to know and to do! By staying, it will be impossible to develop and, therefore, it will be impossible to achieve success. Reaching a purpose it is not necessary to praise yourself and tell yourself how great you're doing, but rather must find it and put up a new goal that in the future you need to achieve.

The fourth rule is to make decisions quickly. After all, the best solutions are those that come to mind immediately. After the doubts and fears that change in decision-making. Most effective fast to think about positive and negative consequences and make a choice. When making decisions, psychologists are advised to use the rule of "Five minutes." The rule of "Five minutes" provides for the adoption of this decision five minutes and no more. The thoughts that came after that time are considered as already informed.

The fifth rule of successful women is that she should always know what he wants. To quickly come to a result, you need to clearly formulate their wishes, to build a concrete action plan in my head and perhaps on paper and go to him, no matter what.