This event indicates that Nevada became the first state to officially accept the existence of robomobile. It should be noted the fact that the first license has been none other than Google.

All accustomed to the fact that Google is a leader in the Internet among search engines, and, of course, everyone, at least once, used the same search engine on the web. However, the company created and robomobile, which is able to move along the road without driver intervention. This unique car called the "Google car" (of course, in honor of its creators).

In order to obtain a license for testing the Google car, the company had to undertake enormous hard work. So, the specialists of the company have evaluated the functionality of all systems of the machine, to ensure the safety of passengers while driving, has developed a specific mechanism to report accidents on the road. The staff, which will serve the new mode of transport was trained.

The news of the license by Google, in fact, was not a surprise. The fact is that robomobile "ToyotaPrius has become one of the best and most relevant inventions in this field.