Complete program name - Whatsapp Messenger. The program is a mobile application for smartphones and is available for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Nokia and Windows Phone. With the app you can exchange messages, it does not have to pay for SMS messages. To use Whatsapp Messenger, you need Internet connection. The rate is the same as for email and mobile browser. Functions Whatsapp also allows creating groups, sending unlimited images, audio and video files.

Start Whatsapp

The app name is derived from the English word game. The phrase "What's Up" in English means "how are you". Initially Whatsapp was a startup that was born in Silicon valley. The developers of the programme were two people who had worked for 20 years at Yahoo!.

What you need to check

No special registration is not necessary. In order to start using Whatsapp, you must download the application and install it to your mobile device. After installing the program through contacts you can see which of your friends already uses the app, and start chatting. Others you can send a message asking to join using Whatsapp.

How to download and install an application

Download the app on the official website of Whatsapp. On the main page, four links to download the application.

When downloading you need to choose your phone model. If you have an iPhone or Windows Phone, you can download the app from the AppStore or MarketPlace.

You should pay attention that this app is only available for smartphones unlike, for example, from Viber.

After installation

After installing the app from the menu, select "contacts". Users of Whatsapp will be the status “Hey there! I am using Whatsapp." or another status that the user installs himself, including "***status***". We can safely start to communicate.

In the program there is the ability to set your status via the menu (select "status"). In application settings you can edit your profile: select the name and photo, and customize notifications, chat, etc.

The cost of the app

Any messages you send through Whatsapp, be it text, video or audio, the cost will be zero. The app itself is free to download, and the first year of use. Starting from the second year of usage, Whatsapp cost $0.99 for one year.