From the first days after conception in the body significant changes occur. A subjective sign of pregnancy can be not only dizziness, but also morning sickness, weakness, lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness, indigestion, change in dietary habits. Such changes are connected with change of a hormonal background. Immediately after conception the levels of estrogen slightly decreases and progesterone increases.
Accurately identify the pregnancy on the eighth day. Enough to apply to the antenatal clinic and take a blood test for the level of beta-HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). If twice the level of the hormone was elevated, dizziness is indeed a symptom of pregnancy.
To test for pregnancy at home. But to obtain reliable results will be possible only after a delay. The majority of women do. Moreover, many pregnant women do not experience unpleasant symptoms throughout pregnancy feel well enough.
Unfortunately, not always dizziness associated with pregnancy. More than 80 diseases can cause these symptoms. Therefore, if pregnancy was not confirmed, should undergo a medical examination to find out the true cause of vertigo.
Often the cause of dizziness becomes stress, malignant neoplasms, vascular lesions, atherosclerotic plaques. In addition, dizziness can be a symptom of hypertension, functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, osteoarthritis of the cervical spine, intoxication, poisoning, Meniere's disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia and a number of diseases, which are diagnosed only after the hardware and instrumental examination.
To identify the cause of vertigo, you will need ECG, coreografia, echocardiography, UFG, examination of the fundus, ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, x-ray, General and biochemical blood tests.
Mandatory consultation of narrow specialists: oncologist, mammologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, internist, cardiologist, pulmonologist, TB specialist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist. Only on the basis of results of complex inspection it is possible to make the correct diagnosis and find out why dizzy.