Weaving reeds

Material for weaving of reeds harvested in the flowering period. At this time leaves sufficient force, but still retain its flexibility. To go to the collection should be no earlier than mid-summer. The reeds are cut with a large knife or sickle.

With the right drying under a canopy leaves retain natural olive green color. Under the sun better material not to dry, because he loses strength and finds a Golden-yellow hue. If you don't plan to take up the weaving and keep the leaves tied in bundles. If necessary, the sheets can be dye and bleach synthetic dyes. Suitable for weaving the leaves with a width of 1 cm, if the sheet is too large, it is cut in half.

Method of weaving, you can create unique and useful items: trays, baskets and decorative vases. For weaving tray 15, pick up leaves and make them "stand". Take 6 leaves of reeds, which will be equal in length to the diameter of the bottom 6 of the leaves should be the same width and length. In the process of weaving the bottom to add new sheets.

When the diameter of the bottom reaches the required size, vyplatit "rope" in two sheets and place them on the bottom continue to weave the walls of the future tray. Reaching the desired height, complete netting a double "rope". With the help of sewing straighten your rows of weaving.

A curtain of reeds

If the netting is causing you difficulties and you used to get result quickly, make a curtain of reeds. For curtains you will need a stalk of cane, it is cut into component parts with a sharp knife, gently scrolling.

Each link is pierced by the needle and stretch the line. To decorate curtain, you can use colored beads and plastic rings. The length of the curtains should be equivalent to the height of the doorway. After finishing work on the Assembly, the threads on the tie bar with the drilled holes.

Paper made of reeds

This paper is perfect for decorating a notebook. To prepare the cane cut into pieces, throwing the joint. Place in a suitable container stems and alkali. The alkali can be used caustic soda. After the stems are softened, rinse them under running water.

In the resulting ground mixture, add the flax seeds. Due to this, the liquid will become more liquid and malleable, convenient for casting. Prepare cloth stretched over a wooden base, and through a sieve pour the mixture to formation of the sheet. Flatten with a knife and extrude through the fabric. After drying, the sheets can be used.