Different cultures have their preferences on the level of soil acidity. Most plants grow well in soils with a pH from 6.2 to 7.5. It is a neutral or close to neutral values. The plants, well grown on these soils include cabbage, beets, peas, celery, cucumber, lettuce, onions, parsley, carrots and turnips.
In slightly acidic soils with a pH of 6 it is advisable to grow beans, fennel, tomato, eggplant, corn, melon, squash, horseradish, spinach, radishes and rhubarb. Srednekislye on soils with a pH of 5 to 6 can grow potatoes, peppers, sorrel, beans, parsnips and pumpkin. On soils with a pH below 5 do not grow all vegetable crops.
The development of plants in acidic soils is incomplete, since the nutrients are in unavailable form. In soils with high acidity actively breed bacteria and pests. Soil-forming bacteria in these soils are virtually absent.
To determine the acidity of the soil, you can use several methods. The most affordable method is the use of litmus paper in accordance with the instructions. If possible, you can order a soil analysis in agrochemical laboratory.
When there is no possibility to analyse litmus paper or in the lab, we can determine the approximate pH of the soil around the weeds grown in the area. On highly acidic soils and prefer to grow horsetail, Ivan-da-Marya, plantain, sorrel, sorrel. On the medium to slightly acid soils grow Wheatgrass, clover, mother and stepmother, violet dog.
To reduce soil acidity liming is applied. Slaked lime is introduced on highly acidic soils 50-75 kg per 100 square meters srednekislye 40-45 kg per 100 sq m, slightly acidic 25-35 kg per 100 sq. m.
Slaked lime can be replaced with dolomite flour. The deoxidation of the soil will take longer, but dolomite powder contains useful minerals. Application rate - from 300 g to 1 kg per sq. m.
To reduce the acidity of the soil used ash containing a large amount of potassium and phosphorus. The ashes made in the amount of 100-200 g per 1 sq. m.
The use of green manure is another way to reduce the acidity of the soil. To sow green manure several times per season. For green manure, decreasing the acidity of the soil are rye, vetch, phacelia, oats, lupins and beans.
Applying measures to deoxidation of the soil in the complex, you can achieve faster results. For example, in autumn the site can be make dolomite powder. The spring under perekopku add ash. During the vegetative season, sowing of green manure. The reaction the pH of the soil will be close to neutral in about 2-3 years.