What drugs are used for pain relief in cancer

Pain brings physical, psychological and moral suffering to the patient. To stop the pain in Oncology using non-narcotic analgesics, and adjuvant vehicles, combinations of opioids with non-narcotic analgesics. In the fourth step such treatment does not bring the desired effect. It is necessary to remove the pain using potent tools: opioids of the morphine group with the addition of the drug from the group of non-narcotic analgesics and adjuvant drugs.

For each cancer patient doses selected individually. Appointment of analgesics necessary to carry out strictly at the same time. It is preferable to use oral, sublingual or cheek form preparations, candles, bandages.

In the first stage for the relief of pain prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, addition of small amounts of narcotic analgesics can cut moderate pain.

Weak opioids such as Tramadol, Codeine is recommended in a dose of from 50 to 400 mg per day for relief of increasing pain. Possible combination of weak opioids with non-narcotic analgesics number. The most frequent is a combination of Codeine plus aspirin, the Hydrocodone plus aspirin.

When unbearable pain recommended "Morphine", "Buprenorphine", "Fentanyl", "Пропионилфенилэтоксиэтилпиперидин hydrochloride". All drugs acting on the Central nervous system and cause serious drug addiction. So write them out on special recipes with a red stripe.

In the fourth stage of cancer "Morphine" relief of pain for 12 hours. Administered in a dose from 30 to 60 mg Each ampoule is accountable. After delivered the shot, a doctor visiting a sick person, needs to take the vial and be accountable for the use of the drug.

If the use of narcotic painkillers pain persists. Additionally prescribe "Fentanyl" in the form of a patch.

Side effects of opioids

Most often complications caused by incorrectly selected dose of the drug. When there is insufficient administration of Morphine " the pain is not relieved. When excess causes nausea, vomiting, constipation, excessive dry mouth, irregular breathing, confusion, excessive reduction of blood pressure. All adverse effects should immediately inform your doctor. Especially it should be noted that the development of drug addiction is not a reason to deprive a cancer patient of the ability to relieve pain. When you change treatment regimens must take into account that may develop the syndrome. Therefore, a dose reduction of each drug should be gradual.