According to most Vaikule, she was filled with incredible fear. She first realized that to die is very scary. It was, in the language of physicians, a very real panic attack. They come to many patients before surgery and even after a long time.
The surgery was difficult but successful. And as soon as she was out, fear, frustration gave way to unbridled joy. To be alive, hope that all is not lost, says the singer.
However, the optimism of the scientist, like most cancer patients, very soon vanished. Because the operation is only half the test. When we got about six months to endure incredible pain. The rehabilitation process is painful, long, nervous. And again for Lima became depressed.
As recognized then the singer was ill from the realization that crippled that the horror experienced surgery – just the initial stage in my life with a terrible diagnosis. But still Vaikule beat cancer. Thanks to the huge will to survive, faith in God, participation in its destiny of many people.
According to statistics, every year the detection of breast cancer turns out to be a tragedy for the 60 thousand Russians. And survive only 60% of cases. But how many women of reproductive age never held a mammogram!
Why are some of the disease strikes, while others – not? If successfully treated cancer one cancer, why increase the risk of its development on other hardware? Alas, medical science is still remains a mystery which is not unraveled until the end. Well, at least the known risk factors. And a lot of them.
The great influence of genes, heredity through the maternal line. If in the family the mother or grandmother suffered from breast cancer, high risk of its development have a daughter or granddaughter. But it's a trend, not a fatal inevitability.
Long-term disturbances in the mammary glands and can cause early menstruation, and, later, ending in menopause, and first pregnancy after 30 years. The same at risk women who have never given birth and not breastfed.
Abortion can also be detrimental in the long term. Like oral contraceptives taken for more than ten years, or hormonal preparations used long after the cessation of menstruation.
Finally, the more risk, the number of cancer patients women suffering from such common diseases like hypothyroidism, obesity, diabetes, hypertension. And generally, any hormonal imbalance in the body can be a trigger of tumor development.
The list of risks though, and inspires little optimism, but it's certainly not a dogma. Sometimes, breast cancer develops in women in history which wasn't one of the risk factors. And sometimes Vice versa.