In hepatitis the pain in the liver because this organ has no pain receptors. Painful sensations appear in glassonby capsule and the peritoneum covering the liver. They felt in case of hepatomegaly - increase in body and the tension of the walls of the capsule. Pain develops according to the following mechanism. Under the influence of negative factors in the hepatic parenchyma occur hidden pathological processes, any symptoms in this case are not available. Then there is perihepatic (inflammation of peritoneal covering), the liver enlarges in size and develops hepatomegaly. In this stretch the walls of glassonby capsules, and pain. The greater the stretching of the walls, the more intense will be the pain in the right hypochondrium.
In hepatitis the pain in the liver can be of different nature. The person can feel heaviness in the right hypochondrium, aching pain. It can radiate to the back, under the shoulder blade in the neck. Can be felt constant pain during the day, increasing during exercise, after drinking alcohol, fried, spicy, fatty foods. Note that dull pain is a sign of acute course of the disease, as in chronic process in the liver, as a rule, is not worried.
Severe pain for hepatitis is not typical, most often they are associated with biliary colic, spasm of the muscles of the gallbladder or bile duct. Such pain is paroxysmal in nature, it is often begins suddenly, gradually Danny smiled, puzzled. Usually before an attack there is nausea, discomfort "in his stomach" (mid-chest). Aching pain in the liver says advanced disease, which has evolved over a long period of time. This is the danger of the pathologies of this organ. The absence of symptoms leads to the lapse of time and without timely treatment, chronic hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, and even cancer.
Often the first symptom of the disease is a recurring feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, which can appear after meals, during exercise or for no objective reasons. You also need to pay attention to the following signs: jaundiced hue of the skin and whites of the eyes, itching skin, belching with a characteristic odor of rotten egg, nausea, lethargy, deterioration of General condition, weakness, decreased performance, muscle pain (most often in the back and legs), diarrhea, flatulence. If you have these symptoms you must seek medical attention.