Rotavirus infection or rotavirus gastroenteritis is an acute infectious disease caused by rotavirus, which is characterized by symptoms of General intoxication of the organism with lesions of the gastrointestinal tract with the development of gastroenteritis.
The causative agent of this infection belongs to the family Reoviridae and the genus Rotavirus. The basis for the name rotavirus is supposed similarity of the pathogen with the wheel (Latin rota means wheel). If you look through an electron microscope, the parts of the virus have the form of wheels with a wide hub and short spokes, and also clearly delineated by a thin rim.
Rotaviruses are well resistant to the environment. In open water, drinking water and wastewater, this infection can persist for several months. On the vegetables, which takes food to people, rotavirus persists for up to 30 days. Rotavirus can withstand repeated freezing, disinfectants, ether, ultrasound and even chloroform, but is killed by boiling.
The primary source of rotavirus infection is a sick person who identifies with faeces, a large number of viral particles. This allocation occurs at the end of the incubation period and in the early days of the disease. By the end of the fifth day of the disease the amount of virus in the faeces is greatly reduced, but finally terminated the isolation of the virus only by the third week of the disease. Sources of allocation of the pathogen can be and healthy people, for example, medical staff in hospitals or the infectious ward. From the feces of these individuals, the virus can be allocated for a period of three months.
The mechanism of transmission of rotavirus infection is fecal-oral and transmission may be different. One of the modes of transmission of rotavirus is contact-household, when the infection is transmitted through household items or unwashed hands. It is also important for water and alimentary way of transmission. We need to eliminate the threat point consumption of infected water and foods, which may contain the virus, most often they are dairy products
After the man had rotavirus infection, formed a short-term species-specific immunity. In the older age groups possible recurrence. Rotavirus infection is found in any location in various age groups. Among the acute intestinal infections part rotaviral gastroenteritis reaches 73%.
The incubation period for rotavirus is about 16 hours from the time of infection. The disease usually has an acute onset. Increased body temperature, symptoms of intoxication, vomiting, and diarrhea. All these symptoms occur almost simultaneously on the first day of the disease. Also from the very beginning may experience pain of a moderate nature in the stomach. All of these symptoms can persist and narostat in the first 24 hours. It is also possible, and the gradual onset of the disease.