You will need
  • seeds of pansies;
  • - small plastic containers;
  • - purpose soil or garden soil;
  • - drainage;
  • - a piece of glass;
  • - plastic cups or cassettes for seedlings.
Pansies are grown as biennial plant, i.e., they were sown in the open ground in the middle of summer, and the next year the plants begin to bloom. This process is quite faster and obtain the wonderful flowers viola already in the year of planting, if you grow them through seedlings.
Sowing seeds for seedlings should begin in late February or early March. Prepare a small container. In the day make a few drainage holes, and pour a layer of expanded clay or gravel.
Make a nutrient substrate. To do this, take 2 parts garden soil, add rotted compost (1 part), a bit of sand. For more capacity can be added to soil, perlite.
The ground pour in the tank. Moisten it. On the surface make shallow furrows and sow the seeds. Lightly sprinkle them with earth and moisten. Cover the box with glass landings and put in a warm but shaded place.
Glass daily wipe from condensation. As it dries the top layer of soil, moisten it with a spray bottle. After the seedlings appear, remove the glass and move the container on the window sill.
Sprouts are thickened, as the seeds from pansies small and impossible to sow them evenly. After the appearance of the second true-leaf they will need to raspikirovat in individual cups or in special cassettes for seedlings.
Prepare the ground, pour it into the cups and make a deepening in the middle with a wooden stick. Carefully remove the seedlings from the container and separate them one by one. Below the root system of pansies has developed better presidnete Central root by one-third. This procedure will stimulate rooting.
Seedling plant in the prepared hole and sprinkle it with earth. Moisten the soil and place the cups with seedlings of pansies on a Sunny windowsill. In the first 2-3 days after picking them pritenyayut from direct sunlight. Subsequently, this can not be done.
In late April, begin to hardened seedlings of flowers. Take out the plants on the balcony or expose them in the garden in the afternoon, if the weather is warm enough.
In the balcony boxes and planters seedlings of pansies can be planted in the first decade of may. In the open ground planted plants in the second half of the month, when they establish a positive night time temperature. Clumps of viola grow pretty quickly, so plant seedlings at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other. After a month of pansies will delight you with a bloom that lasts until the fall.