You will need
  • - alcohol (iodine, Cologne);
  • - cotton swabs;
  • - dry warmth;
  • - antibiotic ointments;
  • - aloe juice;
  • - the leaves of plantain;
  • - boiled potatoes;
  • - green tea (hop cones);
  • - furatsilin.
At the initial stage of education, the barley is carefully cauterized with alcohol. In the eye drop chloramphenicol drops. You can buy it in any pharmacy. Also barley can cauterize Cologne or iodine. Note: perform this procedure carefully, using a cotton swab. So you do not damage the mucous membrane.
To quickly cure the barley, dry heat apply directly to the inflamed areas. It can be heated chicken egg, wrapped with a cloth, or a bag of heated salt. Warm up the eyes carefully. Remember: dry heat in certain cases can aggravate the condition. Recommended to use it after purulent content out of barley.
To help quickly heal barley able antibiotic ointments (tetracycline, eritromicina). As prophylaxis of healthy eyes well treat this means that it is not moved the infection.
If the formation of stye swollen eyelid, increased cervical lymph nodes, high fever, immediately call your doctor. Proper and timely surgical intervention will not only save you from barley, but also to prevent its re-occurrence.
Fast cure for barley using the aloe juice. Lotions of aloe juice diluted with warm water should be applied every 2 hours. For the preparation of the composition components are mixed in a ratio of 1:10.
To get rid of barley, try to attach to the inflamed area of the skin leaves of plantain. Just pre-rinse them well. Warm boiled potatoes will also help to get quick relief from the barley.
Reduce inflammation will help welding from pharmacy chamomile or green tea. Tea bags attach to the patient eye 2-3 times a day. Note: welding should be warm. Also a decoction of chamomile to wash inflamed eyes.
Always rinse a sore eye with fresh solution furatsilina. For its preparation 1 tablet dissolved in a glass of warm water. This procedure will accelerate the healing process by providing antimicrobial action.