Pain in the forehead and nose may signal the beginning of the development of colds or flu. After a while it can spread to the temples and the area around the eyes. If the pain in these places appeared in the disease process or after it, so the flu has caused serious complications in the form of sinusitis or sinusitis.
When sinusitis pain in the frontal part of the head usually is worse when bending and after rectification is localized largely in the area of the nose. Moreover, during tilting there is often a sense of presence in the frontal and nasal part of the large concentrations of dense mass. The disease can also accompany as fever, purulent discharge and unpleasant smell from the nose and just a light congestion.
When the sinusitis headache is usually worst in the morning and subsides in the evening. Its intensity can be various. In this disease there is a constant filling and drainage of pus from the frontal sinus.
Pain in the nose and forehead could signal the development of etmoidit – inflammation of the ethmoid sinus, which is located deep in the skull behind the nose. This disease is due to a viral diseases of the nasopharynx or weakening of the immune system chronic diseases.
To support in the nose area and forehead can and for poisoning by various toxic substances. Moreover, it can occur not only in warehouses or stores industrial goods, but also in everyday life. The reason lies in the large number of low-quality things that surround us, including carpets, furniture, plastic goods. Typically, this reaction may occur on new, smelling of paint and chemicals products.
Pain in the forehead is also sometimes occurs in such serious diseases as meningitis and encephalitis. It may be accompanied by loss of consciousness or neurological symptoms. However, pain in the sinuses in this case, happens very rarely.
It happens that in that part of the head hurts also after any trauma or injuries. If they had a place to be, in any case, it is important to exclude a concussion. Especially if the pain in the forehead accompanied by nausea, dizziness, or loss of visual acuity.
Malignant tumor of the frontal bone, pituitary, blood vessels, frontal and maxillary sinuses can also cause pain in the nose and forehead. That's why in these senses, it is important not to take any independently invented the treatment, and to contact an experienced otolaryngologist and an x-ray of the sinuses.