When to meet with a former love

People is not as easy as if sometimes I wanted them. It happens that you parted with the full realization that this relationship was unnecessary in your life. Maybe you are divorced from a person's "pain and blood" and long experienced. Now you have everything in order, however, sometimes you still recall the former love, and the soul is becoming alarming. But you don't live in the past. You have a new partner, communication with which you are satisfied. Love and respect – a solid Foundation on which you build your new relationship.

However, you understand that feelings for your ex have gone completely. Despite the fact that you love your current life and do not want to return to the past, it still beckons and draws. "Just look at him (or her), and all", you tell yourself. But deep down, you know how this ends. Old feelings will not return. Relations with someone from the past will never be built again. But the new destroy in a sudden burst easily. Or you keep, really fun one meeting, but the meeting will be expensive to cost you. You will rubbereva that only starting to heal.

It is better to abandon the meeting with the former love, if you are sure you have not left this man no feelings.

When it is possible to meet with former

You understand perfectly that in one and the same river can not enter twice. You have changed, and this man, too. And you and the former partner's personal life was good, both of you are married or in a lasting happy relationship. It is possible that in the past you also had rather a friendly feeling than genuine passion. You were interesting and fun together.

In this case, the meeting could go well, if you to be able to find a common language and speak without thinking about the past.

Meet with your former partner psychologists recommend only those people who do not hold grudges or are fascinated by the past.

A lot depends on your character

There are people who have the talent to be friends with their exes. They sometimes even manage to do what others consider miracles to gather at one table some of his former partners and one of the present, and have a great time, being sure that all participants are genuinely having fun. If you know how to make friends, if you have forgotten past grievances and feelings that cover you, then seeing your ex love can be the beginning of a great new friendship.