Who is a "Troxevasin"

This good old drug in aluminum or plastic tubes comes to us from Bulgaria for a long time. Ointment (gel) "Troxevasin" prescribed to improve venous circulation.

Its active substance troxerutin strengthens blood vessels, particularly small capillaries. Inflammation subside, the swelling of the veins subsides, their tone improves. The ointment also prevents the formation of blood clots. It is used for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, venous dermatitis and ulcers, hemorrhoids.

On insufficiency of the venous circulation signal such symptoms:
– feeling of heaviness in the legs;
bluish veins, "stars", pigment spots on the extremities;
– swelling of the feet at the end of the day;
– "tingling", numbness, cramps;
cold feet.

To help this ointment is resorted to, and sprains of joints, bruises, sprains.

Contraindications, side effects

Contraindication only one thing: injury to the skin. Therefore it is impossible to lubricate "Troxevasin" wounds.
Contraindicated to use the ointment and bleeding, ulcers, abscesses.

Occasionally, there are allergic reaction is the result of excessive sensitivity to "Troxevasin".

How to use the ointment

2-3 times a day apply a thin layer on the skin, gently rubbing in circular motions.

Make sure that the ointment is absorbed completely. Then you can bandage the affected area, wear socks or stockings.

If does not help...

The therapeutic effect of the ointment depends essentially on the regularity of its application. Treatment is usually long, you can't skip a day.

For greater effectiveness of the ointment, it is recommended to take "Troxevasin capsules. Patients with varicose veins may be an additional small doses of aspirin. And the flu, allergic diseases, "Askorutin" to reduce the threat the permeability of blood vessels.

Simultaneously with the application of troxevazinum ointment is recommended for a long period of wearing compression hosiery. Medical stockings help reduce the pressure on the diseased vessels, and disease development slows down. The outflow of venous blood and lymph due to the compression effect significantly accelerated, gradually eliminated their stasis, and varicose veins does not affect the deep veins.

If the week and a half is not improving, tell your doctor. He may prescribe a more effective drug, such as "Lioton".