Gel "Holisal" is used for the treatment of stomatitis of various origin and different degrees of severity. The drug is prescribed in catarrhal stomatitis, accompanied by swelling and pain of the entire surface of the mucosa, ulcer, characterized by lesions of the entire thickness of the mucosa, as well as in aphthous stomatitis with single or multiple ulcers. In addition, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of lesions resulting from complications of other diseases. Gel "Holisal" can be used to treat stomatitis in adults and children.
Analgesic effect occurs within 2-3 minutes after applying the gel, and lasts from 2 to 8 hours, depending on the severity of the lesions.

Usage instructions

"Holisal" should be used 2-3 times a day. For this, the drug should be applied on the finger and then massaged gently rubbed into the affected area of oral mucosa. Adults use a strip of gel with a length of 1 cm, for children it is sufficient strip length 0.5 cm.
The product can be used both before and after a meal. Before eating "Holisal" is used with the purpose of pain relief.

Contraindications and cautions

The drug has some contraindications. In particular, the drug is not prescribed in case of intolerance to salicylates and other components of the gel. With caution should use "Holisal" pregnant and lactating women. Also very carefully need to use the drug for the treatment of children under 1 year: use the minimum amount of gel and don't abuse this tool.

In the treatment gel can be side effects like burning sensation or allergic reactions. They disappear after a while and, as a rule, are not a reason for discontinuation of treatment. In the case of highly expressed and not having side effects is recommended to consult a doctor.

The reviews about the drug

According to reviews, "Holisal" effective in the treatment of stomatitis. In particular, the gel not only helps to cure the disease, but we decided in the process of therapy. Its efficacy is immediately noticeable. Sometimes to fix the damage mucosa just 2-3 days.

Good reviews the drug has a and in pediatric practice, particularly in the eruption of teeth in children. The gel has analgesic effects and reduces inflammation, making children experience this stage much easier.

If you use gel you may experience some discomfort - a slight burning sensation at the site of application of the drug, which quickly passes and is not cause for cancellation of the drug.