Is it possible to whiten teeth with baking soda

Soda is a wonderful bleaching agent for the teeth. Despite its effectiveness in their natural cleaning apply this method should not be often, as this bleach makes tooth enamel more subtle.

You can whiten your teeth baking soda only to those who are sure that they are healthy, their surface is not sensitive.

By the way, remove plaque teeth with baking soda can be worse than special tooth paste containing fine abrasive particles, and the harm of using both methods is comparable.

Before soda whitening you should also make sure that the body does not experience the deficit of useful substances for teeth. Below the tooth enamel was a strong need in sufficient quantities to consume dairy products, fruits and vegetables, and to clean their teeth with fluoride.

Additionally, the treatments for teeth with baking soda should be no more than once a week, preferably just before an important event.

How to whiten teeth with baking soda

To clean the plaque from the teeth by using baking soda in several ways. To choose the method, how to whiten teeth with baking soda, you can read all variants and to choose for themselves the most comfortable.

1. Before the whitening procedure, rinse your mouth with warm water. Wet toothbrush and dip into the soda, brush your teeth at least two minutes. Thoroughly rinse again to remove excess powder and use a regular toothpaste.

2. As particles of baking soda can damage tooth enamel, it is best to use for whitening is more gentle methods. For this a teaspoon of the powder should be mixed with quarter Cup water and then this solution to brush your teeth to whiten them in one or two colors, you will need about 10 treatments.

3. This method is suitable for those who whiten your teeth very quickly. As in most of the industrial bleaches contain hydrogen peroxide, this drug drew attention the modern proponents of traditional medicine. To whiten teeth with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, they need to be cleaned with a paste that contains fluoride. And then equal proportions should be mixed with water, soda and three-percent peroxide to moisten in the resulting solution gauze and RUB the entire surface of the teeth. To enhance the effect, you can hold the gauze in your mouth for a few minutes, then rinse the mouth thoroughly with water. You should pay attention to the fact that during the procedure, the composition may foam a little, but harm in doing nothing.

Now you know how to whiten teeth with baking soda. Despite the fact that method is effective, use it often is not worth it. The whiteness of the teeth should be taught to save. For this it is advisable brush your teeth every day, refuse tobacco, tea and coffee, eat more vegetables and fruits fresh.