Herbal diet

The duration of this diet is 3-4 days for which you will be able to get rid of 4-6 pounds overweight.
Alla offers every day to drink kefir smoothie with greens and cucumber. To adhere to the special regime there is no need. To drink this drink you need, as soon as the feeling of hunger, but not before bedtime.

For preparation of dietary cocktail, you will need:
- 1.5 liters of nonfat yogurt a day;
- 1 bunch finely chopped green coriander, dill and parsley;
- 1 small fresh cucumber, grated on a fine grater.

To keep this drink is not, so prepare it immediately before use. The use of kefir drink Alla undeniable, because one-day kefir is excellent laxative and herbs and cucumber - a storehouse of vitamins and mineral for the human body components. In addition, this delicious drink that helps to lose weight, perfectly satisfies hunger.
Cocktail that recommends drinking diet Alla Pugacheva, great for weekly fasting days.

Diet cucumbers

Another favorite Alla Pugacheva way to get rid of excess weight is cabbage soup diet, but rather diet to a salad from these vegetables. Of course, this method of weight loss is hardly relevant for Peru of the diva, however, this does not reduce its effectiveness.

To prepare the salad you will need:
- 1 kg of fresh cucumbers;
- 30 grams of low fat sour cream;
- big bunch of any greens - celery, parsley, dill and so on.

Coarsely chop the cucumber, chop the greens, tuck in all the sour cream and mix. Pickle salad is impossible. During the day, you must eat a cooked dish in 3 divided doses. Preferably, the time: 12:00-13:00, 16:00-17:00, 19:00-20:00. Every serving of salad you can eat a slice of black bread. Before bed snack is allowed from the 1st green Apple or orange. Breakfast allowed a serving of lean cereal and a Cup of unsweetened coffee or tea.
On this diet daily lose an average of 0.5 kilograms of excess weight. The duration of this method of weight loss should not exceed 10 days.

After the completion of any of the diets on which you lost Alla Pugacheva, the kilos usually are not returned. A good example of this are the latest pictures of the singer. But it is necessary to regularly engage in physical exercise - walking more in the fresh air, swimming, aerobics or Pilates.