
The most popular drug with the same drug "Novopassit" action is "Glycine". This drug regulates the metabolism, reduces emotional stress and stimulates mental performance, as well as normalizes sleep, improves mood, minimizes toxic depression of the Central nervous system in alcohol intoxication.
Accepted "Glycine" sublingually (under the tongue) until complete resorption of 1 tablet 2 – 3 times a day for a month. Under the supervision of a physician permitted to take "Glycine" in the period of pregnancy and lactation. Contraindications to the reception can be an individual intolerance of the drug.
There are six types of sedatives fees intended for the treatment of various diseases.

Sedative collection №2

Cheap and completely natural collection of medicinal herbs that have sedative properties. Part of the collection includes all parts of the plant Valeriana officinalis, peppermint leaf, motherwort herb, licorice root, hops cones.

This fee applies neurosis, neurasthenia, migraine, insomnia, dystonia, menopausal and for the treatment of menopausal syndrome in women. For convenience, the collection is Packed in a paper bag with a mass of 50 gr. in a cardboard box. Used for the preparation of infusions. In order to prepare the collection to accept, you need to take 2 tablespoons of the collection, placed in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water and put in water bath for 15 minutes. Then insist at room temperature for 45 minutes. Diluted with boiled water 1:1 and drink 2 times a day for ½ Cup in a month.

For sale this fee is also in filter bags. In this case, use of the collection much easier, and the principle of infusion is maintained.


Part of the drug "Person" also includes Valeriana officinalis, Melissa and mint. Similarly, the effect of this drug. It has a good sedative effect, normalizes sleep at night, relieves stress, improves social adaptation. It can be taken for professional drivers, because "Person" does not affect the concentration. And also, this drug is well compatible with other psychotropic drugs. Taken by the doctor, with him saying the route of administration and dosage.
The drug is "Person" does not affect your concentration and reaction time, it is recommended to receive drivers.


A synthetic drug, is a tranquilizer. Has anticonvulsant and relaxing effect. Used in the treatment of neurosis, neurasthenia, hysteria, insomnia , and also in psychotic States. The use of "Tazepam" there is quite a large list of contraindications and side effects. It is impossible to combine reception of "Tazepam" and alcoholic beverages. In addition, it reduces the speed of reaction, and therefore inadmissible its application in situations requiring concentration. Treatment with this drug must appoint a physician.

Thus, there is a pretty extensive list of sedatives that can be successfully used in the treatment of these diseases.