How useful the drug is "Prescribed"?

Vitamins "REVITA" are among the most popular drugs, which contain virtually all the nutrients for normal growth and development of the body. Despite the attractive cost, the complex is well absorbed and does not cause allergic reactions and any side effects.

It is composed of main groups of vitamins:
- vitamin a-good for vision, skin, bones;
- vitamin B1 restores energy;
- vitamin B2 provides the body with oxygen;
- vitamin C is necessary for oxidation-reduction processes, collagen formation, strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
Collagen has a positive effect on the skin as well as slows down the aging process of cells.

The vitamin "REVITA"

Almost any vitamin complexes designed for adults and children older than 3 years. With the early addition of vitamins may experience adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, as the child's body is not yet well formed.
Children older than 3 years appoint 1-2 tablets a day after eating, older than 7 years – 2-3 drops in 1-2 months.

As a rule, the admission of "REVITA" is shown:
- for the prevention of beriberi while not a balanced diet;
- for fast recovery after viral or bacterial diseases;
- high mental stress;
- when physical strain of the body.

The negative effects of taking vitamins

The benefits of vitamins "REVITA" is achieved only if the simple rules. It should be remembered that to prevent irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive system to take pills after a meal.

Not recommended for use "Revit" in combination with other medicines containing the same trace elements. This will lead to an overdose of substances.

When taking sulfonamides should abandon vitamins "REVITA".

In case of disturbances in functioning of the kidneys, the liver or the gastrointestinal tract before the intake of vitamins is recommended to consult with an experienced specialist. This will allow to avoid negative consequences.

With a significant excess of the daily dose is a glut of vitamin a, with the result that you may have headaches, profuse rash on the skin, photophobia and other violations.