Select specialty where you can get a higher education.

Most often, the universities offer special programs second higher education on legal and economic fields. But your options are not limited. Some universities offer to get a second degree in information technology, translation and other areas. Besides, there is always the possibility to go to College on a General basis, along with those who recently graduated from high school, but in this case you will have to study at least 4 years before receiving the bachelor's degree, or to enroll immediately in graduate school.
Find a suitable training program.

In most universities there are part-time and evening training programs suitable for working people. But keep in mind that distance learning will be difficult to obtain the de level of knowledge, and full-time. A suitable compromise could be formal education. Be especially careful when choosing a MBA program. This training for senior management can be a good alternative to the second higher economic education, but it is important to know if you give high-quality knowledge. Business school with the best reputation are in the US, but if you have no money or time to go there, you can find the program in Russia. Best before final selection to meet the specific graduates of the MBA programme and discuss with them whether they are satisfied with the training.
Pay attention to the financial component of learning.

Although under Russian law, you are entitled to only one higher education due to the budget, there is a way to save money. If you received a diploma, in some universities you would be prepared to accept in the budget Department in the graduate school. However, in this case you have to study a specialty that is close to your first education, and also to participate in the contest, which can be quite complex.