The civil code provides for the right of the tenant to hand over the property to the sublease in agreement with the landlord. The lessor's consent in practice is expressed in two ways: either in the lease agreement originally established the right of a tenant to surrender to sublet the rented property, or shall be in the form of a supplementary agreement to the concluded lease agreement or separate document (letter, notice, consent). The conclusion and termination of contracts of sublease governed by the same rules and regulations that apply to leases.
If you want to draw the sublease, first check the terms and conditions of the primary lease and in the absence of the contract the lessor's consent to sublease, agree on their right to enter into a sublease. Carefully consider all the conditions of the initial lease, as if it is not complied with material terms of the agreement, it may be grounds to invalidate both agreements. Decide how long the contract will be signed sublease, given that the term of the sublease cannot go beyond the term of the main lease. Please note, terminated the lease automatically terminates and the prisoner sublease. Specify in the contract of sublease, the terms of early termination, focusing on the conditions of the main lease, if you want to minimize the risk of negative consequences. Verify the implementation of capital and current repairs and costs for repairs and utilities.
Make subtenant a sublease agreement and make a joint act of acceptance-transfer of property in the sublease.
The sublease agreement of immovable property is valid for more than one year must be registered in the Department of the Federal registration service in the same manner as a lease, valid for more than one year. The lease or sublease will be deemed concluded from the date of state registration. For recording the sublease with the Sublessee apply for registration with the application of the lease and sublease, cadastral and technical passports and receipts for payment of registration fee.