You will need
  • - high school diploma;
  • - certifications exam;
  • - passport;
  • - medical certificate;
  • - the statement on reception.
Prepare in advance a fallback, to know what to do if I went to University. Of course, neither the parents nor the students do not want to think about the fact that the flow can be broken. But, unfortunately, the number of seats in higher educational institutions is strictly limited, and the lack of one or half points can play a fatal role. Great escape routes will help to avoid depression, psychological instability and unnecessary problems.
When the opportunity to study on a contractual basis (on a paid Department) to re-submit the application and documents at the University that is not received. First, for admission there, you have the required number of points, and perhaps also take don't need. Second, the filing deadlines of the paid Department for a few weeks longer than the budget places.
Consider as a variant the receipt the same faculty, but in the evening or correspondence Department. Keep in mind that some training on the postal system does not apply (e.g., closed faculties of psychology, literature, etc.). With the evening office in the case of excellent study, you will be able to transfer to the day a year or two.
Go to College for your chosen profession. Find out about opportunities at the end of the institution of secondary professional education will automatically be enrolled in a University in the third year. In this case, your training will be longer by one to two years, but in College or technical school you get more practical experience in the chosen specialty.
If not enrolled in University, go to work, leaving the entrance test for next year. In order not to waste time, enroll in preparatory courses for passing the exam. The work will help you find the employment Center in your area. Also, there will offer free courses for the development of any profession. This way you will be able to obtain additional knowledge and skills and experience, and also more carefully consider admission to the University.