So, to make up the face correctly you need to follow some classical principles. First clean the face with cleansing milk, egg cream or camphor lotion. Then lubricate it (the face) with your favorite lotion that suits your skin type. That's what lotions are: tonic (alcohol-based and herbal), acidifying (acid), vegetable (based on herbs), and mixed (a combination of grass, acid and alcohol). Toning cream should be applied to a slightly damp face.
Further brighten the face. Cover it under a powder day toning cream, choosing color so that it was as close to the shade of your skin. But there are two exceptions: for a radiant, pink skin is better to apply a beige cream, and in yellowish – pink or peach.
Wait 10 minutes. During this time, the cream Foundation will penetrate the skin. Now apply on cheeks with a little blush. Keep in mind that cream and liquid blush applied to the powder, and dry after.
Paint the lips, then apply the desired color on eyelashes, eyelids and eyebrows. Eyebrows you can attach a lock to the hair, which should be applied by a small brush.
Powder the face. After the powder again touch up eyebrows and lips. Remember, apply paint (especially blush) you need just a little bit.
But the effect of "zombies." Prepare paint, bought in the theater shop, white, blue, red powder, gouache, ink for eyes and the hair gel. Former powder needs to give a face pale, then add the blue with the blue powder and then make black stains (like the dead) around the eyes. Hair is important to bring down the gel. Also, add some blood, a role which will play heavily diluted gouache in red. About the neck, too don't forget. It also needs to be watered by blood."