Try to make computer games and TV are minimally present in the child's life.
You can instill in him a love of books from an early age – even when the baby can't read yet, he would be happy to look at pictures in children's books, touch the pages and listen to tales, which he read, parents.
It is not enough just to read books aloud – he must develop the skill of speed reading to read independently. To develop this skill use summer time, when both you and the child will have more free time for settling in new horizons. In nature, at the cottage, resort or stay at home, read with your child books that are available for his age and understanding.
The child should be an interesting book you read – pick up books to match the interests of the child. Start reading and engage the child in the story. As soon as the story is interesting place, tell them you are tired and encourage your child to read to you aloud.
Leave a child alone with a book as often as possible, stop reading at a cliffhanger. Curiosity will prevail, and the baby will begin to read on their own.
Read interesting children's books by role – select a book that has two main characters, and which describes in detail their dialogues. Assign roles between themselves and the child. He will take this reading as an exciting game. Be sure to praise the child for reading is, it motivates to further action.
Also encourage child to read can, offering him to read the book in turn. Read two chapters, and then give the child to read the third.
If the child showed no interest in books, try to get another, which will interest him more. Ask the child what he would like to hear and read the story. Do not make the reading too long – take breaks.
The child needs to get used to a new mental activity. Always praise and encourage your child. You can come up with homemade medals and ribbons with scores for progress in reading. And of course, serve the child his own example – he needs to see that parents with pleasure and with interest read books.