If you have a very temperamental dog that does not wear a harness, you need to grab the waist of the dog between your knees. At this time, to properly stretch the harness so that the soft part was on the inside.
The first thing you need to put a closed ring on the dog's neck (the dimensions of the harness in the neck area can change).
Now you need to deploy a bridge (which connects the closed ring and strap) so that it was located on the throat.
Then move the strap to the desired position, thereby limiting the space between the bridge and the closed ring.
Push the front right paw of the dog in the space between the strap and a closed ring. Thus, it appears that the jumper will pass through the chest and right foot is clothed in a harness.
Now there was one loose end that need to make the arm of his left paw.
You can now fasten the strap. The dog should be put on legs and to straighten a closed ring around the neck so that it is not squeezed, but at the same time were tightly wrapped around the dog's neck. Check the jumper on the breast, she should lie flat.
Try to tighten the strap, otherwise the dog will be able to easily wriggle out of freely buttoned straps.
Fasten the carabiner clip leash, adjustable tension straps and you can safely go for a walk.