You will need
  • - cleaning products, detergents for dishes;
  • - sponge;
  • iron brush;
  • soda;
  • Sol;
  • - river sand.
Small cast iron cauldron can be washed in the dishwasher using a special detergent designed for dishwashers. Wash method is fairly simple. Carefully remove all remnants of food, place the container in a specially designed compartment, turn on the dishwasher after the program ends will get clean cauldron.
The washing procedure is much more complicated, if you used a real cauldron of 100-150 liters, which was mounted on a tripod and cooked on an open fire. With this method of cooking you have to wash not only the inside of the huge iron vessels, and external, which will be very bloated.
Wash the cauldron you can use the modern cleaning products and detergent or use baking soda, salt, river sand, which will help you cope with wash or worse. But it will take much more time.
Cast iron can be cleaned with steel brush, as it is not prone to scratches. If you plan to wash the cauldron fast enough, use a cleaning detergent designed for glassware. If the food in a cast iron container is burnt, sprinkle on the bottom of any kind of detergent or add a cleaning gel, pour water, bring to a boil, after 20 minutes you will easily cope with the pollution.
The outer part seemed clean using these same tools. After that you just thoroughly rinse the tank with water and dried.
If you prepare food in nature and you don't have modern detergents, you can use river sand, salt or soda. To easily clean the inside of the cauldron, pour in the sand, salt or soda, add water to boil in a few hours thoroughly rinse the inside with a brush or sponge. The external part of the peel of specified funds, rinse thoroughly, air dry.