You will need
  • vitamin complex;
  • - almond or olive oil;
  • - nourishing cream for hands and nails;
  • - iodine;
  • - glycerin;
  • Sol;
  • - lemon.
Properly manicure, choose for yourself a convenient form of the nails which will not interfere in daily life (otherwise they can break). For nail Polish use only sterile instruments, do not cut the cuticle, but only to move her orange stick. Use a glass nail file, podpilivaya them in one direction only, so as not to provoke separation. Give the nails time to rest from the lacquer.
For the health and quick growth of the nails important fat-soluble vitamins A and E, which have antioxidant actions. Regularly eat pork and chicken liver, cheese, oily fish, fresh vegetables and fruits and eggs. Vitamin E can be obtained from nuts and seeds, cereals and vegetable oils, milk, green salad, green salad and beans. These vitamins work well in pairs and only complement each other. You can drink vitamin complex, excellent for feminine beauty ideal drug "Aevitum" capsules.
Prepare oil bath for rapid growth of nails. Pour in a bowl a small amount of almond, olive or castor oil and pre-heat. Add three to five drops of glycerin and iodine. Dip fingers into the oil solution and keep for twenty minutes, DAB the hands with a tissue (do not rinse). Such a procedure (which is recommended to be done two or three times a week), nails will be shiny, strong and long.
Regular massage of the nail plate and the cuticle area will improve blood circulation. As a result, the nails will start to grow much faster and will cease to exfoliate. During the massage, use pre-warmed almond or olive oil, you can substitute any nourishing cream for hands and nails.
Do regularly (several times a week) warm baths with iodine and salt. For its preparation pour into a small container of a pint of warm water, add two tablespoons of salt, mix well and pour ten drops of iodine. Put your hands in the solution and keep for fifteen minutes. This bath will help to accelerate the growth of nails and strengthen them. You can replace table salt sea, which is much more effective.
Lemon juice also has a favorable effect on the growth of nails and strengthens their structure. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and oil his nails. You can do the other way: cut a lemon in half and soak the nails in his flesh for two minutes. After this procedure, lubricate the nails with a nourishing cream for hands.