Biochemical analysis of blood level of Alat, you can assign in the diagnosis of liver diseases, in cases of suspected viral hepatitis or in contact with patients with viral hepatitis, in monitoring survey of existing hepatitis, or if you are an organ donor and give blood.
If you are diagnosed with high content of Alt, this can be caused by serious illnesses such as cirrhosis of the liver, jaundice, toxic shock syndrome, hypoxia asthma, pancreatitis, liver cancer, heart attack, myocarditis, heart failure.
The level of enzyme increased with extensive burns, mononucleosis, deficiency of carnitine, chronic alcoholism, prolonged treatment of diabetes with sulfonylurea drugs, prolonged use of salicylates, in the treatment of fibrates.
To reduce the level of Alat will prescribe medications for the treatment of the underlying disease that caused the increase of enzyme in the blood. In addition to the basic therapy, the doctor will prescribe hepatoprotectors, bile drugs, means improving digestion.
If the increase of the enzyme in the blood caused by the use of sulfonylurea drugs, therapy diabetes will reconsider and will take you into other drugs, does not reduce the amount of vitamin B6 and B12.
With prolonged use of salicylates will need to completely eliminate. The same applies to treatment with fibrates. In the presence of chronic diseases, which cannot be cancelled of these drugs you will be prescribed replacement that does not affect the level of Alat.
Self-treatment at an elevated level of the enzyme is unacceptable as primary therapy will be aimed at addressing the causes of the increase in Alat. All other methods will be only a concomitant treatment. For example, you can assign a "IFN", "Polyoxidonium", "Ribavirin", "Cycloferon". Treatment should be very long and under the direct supervision of a physician with systematic biochemical blood tests.